Positive Leadership,

Big Impact

Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant
PhD, Positive Neuropsychology

portrait image of Erin Anderson

My vision is to create a ripple effect by developing leaders who make a positive impact with purpose and possibility.

I am an Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant with over 20 years of experience in personal development. I hold a PhD in Positive Neuropsychology and am dedicated to connecting people to their empowered potential.

I am passionate about uplifting people and organizations, sharing tools and practices to help them grow and evolve in ways they never thought possible. I coach, teach and facilitate boldly with heart, intuition and science-backed methodologies.

Together we focus on you and your successful future — uncovering the limitations and challenges that block your progress and well-being.

You will connect to the possibilities and potential within while making the impact that you’re here to create.  You will relate to your potential not as something out of reach, but rather as your north star guiding you forward with clarity, ease and purpose. You will experience a dynamic opportunity to empower new ways of being, thinking, planning, and action that leave you knowing to your core, that you are a leader. It is from this knowing that you will create the contribution, impact and legacy you most want as your true self.When you invest in your self-awareness, you can discover and connect to your strengths, values and vision to create a flourishing life, purposeful career and big impact.

Erin Anderson smiling, sitting on a table surrounded by books


Fuelled by Positive Psychology

You are a leader. You lead yourself toward your vision. You lead others, in your workplace, family, and community through your self-awareness, purpose and values.

Leadership is not a role, it is a way of being. It is the ability to rise to any occasion, in any area of life, with optimism, creativity, strategy and integrity. A leader is proactive, not reactive and creates new results, which inherently requires courage. The current situation is familiar, it will take a risk to step out of what’s known to create something new.

A leader understands they cannot hold on to the way it’s always been done and create something new. A new way of thinking and being is required.

Your most effective tool is communication, the words you use and the energy you bring to the conversation. Clarity is the cornerstone of effective communication, breaking down barriers and illuminating the path forward. Ultimately, in the art of leadership, clarity is a transformative force that propels both personal and collective success.

Leadership begins with you.

The difference and impact you want to make begins with you. It is from this deep connection to what’s possible that you inspire others to join you. A leader is an authentic influencer and a natural role model.

Leadership is creatorship.

Leaders are proactive, not reactive. You actively do the vulnerable work of shedding old narratives, embracing self-awareness, and developing essential tools for self-mastery, compassionate communication, and effective collaboration. This is creatorship.

Leadership Creates Team Connection and Collaboration.

My work helps individuals and teams collaborate and communicate well which catalyses growth, innovation and impact.

Building a collaborative team based on complementary strengths and values requires continual development. This doesn’t happen by accident. When teams focus on developing shared skills, tools and language, work becomes productive and fun! Mastering key skills is essential in our fast-paced environment.

  • Responsive Communication
  • Positive, productive and aligned speaking and listening tools
  • Strategies for productive collaboration with a clear impact
  • Compassionate communication and conflict resolution
Erin Anderson holding a group facilitation
I met Erin in early 2023 at a leadership summit. I was instantly drawn to her energy. You know that feeling you get when you know you are in the right place at the right time? That’s what happened when I met her for the first time face-to-face on stage during one of her group exercises.

I left the event full of positive energy, and then my reality set in. I fell into a dark place where I questioned my value in my work life.

I reached out to Erin and we began working together on several different topics, mainly my self-worth. Our work reminded me that I do not doubt that I am VALUED in so many ways. I am more deeply connected to the contribution I am committed to making to our Company through culture building and my tribal knowledge.
Thanks to Erin’s coaching, I am not afraid to speak in public, I speak up when I don’t agreeon an issue or topic and I feel free to speak my truth.

Erin has helped me find my voice and my wings to fly. There’s no stopping me now!

Bernadette Flocchini

SIERRA MEAT AND SEAFOODS, Senior Vice President & Director of Specialty and Exotic Proteins

"Erin has helped me tremendously both personally and professionally as a business owner. She has been an excellent resource for my company in leadership and has given me perspective into my awareness and how to be more effective with my communication style. I would highly recommend Erin to anyone who wants to see change and results in how they show up as a leader."

Danielle Reed

President and Founder of Breakside Real Estate Group

“Erin plays an essential role in my life and career. Her drive, determination and focus create in me a whole-brained, whole-bodied leader. She brings me back to focus despite the significant pressures and distractions in my life and career.  She continually realigns my actions and energy with my true intentions. That takes vulnerability from both of us to create this kind of clarity.

True coaching is not just about accountability, it’s about continually getting help aligning to what is vital while holding the picture of success.

This is the first year that I’m excited about my goals because she helps me align to what I truly want from the essence of who I am.”

Todd Bohn

Partner and Industrial Specialist, Frontline Real Estate Services Ltd

"As my coach for over two years now, Erin has been the most influential person in my business and life development work. Through working with Erin I have made transformative gains in my relationships with my business colleagues. Erin has also led numerous workshops for my portfolio company teams and top executives, which have resulted in a ripple effect of positive change and progress in our organization. Erin has also helped me grow personally in ways that have helped me heal and thrive in my personal and family life. Erin's gift lies in her ability to challenge and elevate teams, connect and inspire executives, and empower all leaders to reach their full potential. She's not just good; she's exceptional. I am so grateful for Erin’s contribution to my life and business."

Derek Senft

OVERLAND GROUP, Managing Partner

portrait image of Erin Anderson

Work with me

As an Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant with decades of personal development and transformational leadership education and experience my toolkit is vast. I’ll give you all I’ve got.

What it’s like to work with me

I challenge the status quo and colour outside of the lines in service of a breakthrough.
Your inner growth will spark outer change.
I listen deeply for what is most important to you as well as for what’s not being said.
You’ll identify your full potential and be unstoppable as you reach your peak.
You will discover your true voice and naturally stand for what you believe.
I teach teams to collaborate, communicate and have fun along the way.
You will discover inherent leadership skills that deeply resonate with you and give you the boost to achieve your dreams.
I am energetic, intuitive, and bold.

Individual Coaching

Together we design the cadence and duration of your coaching program. We meet regularly over Zoom, working to identify your goals, roadblocks, strengths and opportunities. I use science-backed assessments and tools to boost your self-awareness and self-efficacy. Coaching programs start with a 90-day commitment and can evolve into longer programs, often lasting years. As you grow, so does our work together. You are limitless.

Team Coaching and Facilitation

A team can benefit from a galvanizing experience of being connected to a shared vision, understanding personal and professional values and deepening accountability. I lead teams virtually or in person through game-changing programs. I create educational content and programs and facilitate training for individuals and companies to shape culture and professional development. Unsticking the leader, helping them become more resilient, and creative, helps the leader shape a positive and compelling culture.

Milestone Project

When you are faced with a complex problem or creative opportunity, it can be valuable to bring in a clear perspective with expertise in navigating challenges.

People projects can include partnership difficulties and breakdowns, mediating challenging relationships or solving people gaps in your organization.

Strategic projects include clarifying and communicating brand statements, purpose, vision, mission and values.

See project examples:

Conversation is powerful. Let’s start one.

What are you ready to create?

Erin Anderson sitting down facing a client who is also sitting across from her, smiling
Erin Andersons book "Ten Tiny Truths" on a wooden texture by a vase white tulips


Ten Tiny Truths, Principles for Living a Big Life is now available on Amazon! This book was created for you, to inspire you to live your biggest life possible. These truths were learned and discovered through my life experience and passed on by my mother. She was my teacher and my greatest source of energy and light. I hope you enjoy it.

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buy the book
Ordering in the US:
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